Wednesday, October 26, 2011

How I’ll Become an American Essay

How I’ll Become an American
Miklos Vamos

I really enjoyed Miklos Vamos: How I’ll Become an American because it made sense and it also made me laugh.  Right from the beginning of the essay Miklos Vamos shows that he has a very good sense of humor.  There is a particular paragraph that I find to be hilarious because I have encountered American’s just like his example of what he will do.  Miklos Vamos states in How I’ll Become an American “And I'll buy a car, a great American car. Then I'll sell my car and buy a smaller West German car because it's reliable and doesn't use so much gasoline. Later, I'll sell it and buy a smaller Japanese car with a computer aboard. Then I'll sell it and buy a camper. When I sell the camper I'll buy a bicycle.”  Don’t we all know of someone or heard of someone like this?  So there is some truth to the matter of his essay.  I think his point is that the American way to buy a huge SUV even if you’re single with no kids so you can fit in on the road.  But maybe your friends all start thinking more green and buy a hybrid.  Uh oh, now you have the gas guzzler polluting the environment.  How awkward, time to buy a Prius.  What do I do if I want to go camping or travel across the States?  I guess I’ll buy an RV.  Overcome with guilt from buying the camper, I will downsize to a bike.  That’s my favorite part, the bike.  This essay is about keeping up with the Joneses and is an Ode to the Rat Race.

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